After all our light play activities, we thought we would take you to a whole new place..... the dark.  

YELLOW highlighter (other colors will NOT work... I tried every one)

Break open the yellow highlighter (I found the big ones are easiest to pop open... found a pack of 3 at the dollar store) and remove cylinder ink pad.  Turn water on to a slow drip and let water run through the pad... which will collect into a bowl/jar of some type. After you get most of ink squeezed out you can cut open the plastic tube and remove the ink filled cotton.  Soak it with a bit of water and squeeze it out into your jar.  I ended up with maybe a cup of liquid between the water and highlighter ink.  You CAN dilute this quite a bit and it will still glow.  We filled a decent size tub half way up with water only using one little yellow highlighter, and I'm sure we could have diluted it more.  Off to the fun part!  Shine you black light where you will be using your glow water and watch the magic happen.  Here are a few activities that we have tried.  RL